Over NFO


De Nederlandse Fruittelers Organisatie (NFO) is de organisatie van en voor de professionele, Nederlandse fruittelers. De NFO behartigt de belangen van fruitteeltondernemers met als bijzondere aandachtspunten: gewasbescherming, sociaaleconomische kwesties, marktgerelateerde onderwerpen en kennis en innovatie.

Daarnaast ondersteunt de organisatie de fruittelers op diverse vlakken zoals het verhogen van de kennis en ondernemerschap. Tevens geeft de NFO tweewekelijks het vakblad Fruitteelt uit en voorziet haar leden wekelijks van diverse nieuwsbrieven. Circa 80 procent van de beroepsmatige fruittelers is aangesloten bij de NFO.

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The Dutch Fruit Growers Organization (NFO) is an association of professional fruit producing entrepreneurs. The objective of the NFO is to represent the interests of her fruit growing members by (inter)national lobbying, implementing projects and providing support. The NFO supports the fruit growers in various areas such as increasing their knowledge and entrepreneurship. Important dossiers are: Socio-Economic issues, Market-related issues, Plant Protection, Knowledge transfer and Innovation. Marketing and research related subjects are represented in four product related working groups consisting of fruit growers. Every two weeks the technical magazine ‘Fruitteelt’ is published by the NFO accompanied by serveral news letters per week. Approximately 80 percent of the Dutch professional fruit growers is member of the NFO.